Comboboxes, ie. html <select>, are not searchable by default. This is only ok for very short lists.
After a short search i found the which was quite easy to use with Grails. I will walk through the steps needed to make it work in a new project.
First create an application to run the test with.
grails create-app combobox
Open the project, then open build.gradle:
// insert before version
plugins {
id 'com.craigburke.client-dependencies' version '1.4.0'
// append at end
clientDependencies {
yarn {
Build the project. You will find that both css and js have been imported to the project:

Open application.css and insert before require_self:
*= require select2/css/select2.css
Open application.js and insert require before require_self. $(doc… should be appended:
//= require select2/js/select2.js $(document).ready(function() { $('.prpr-select').select2(); });
Now testing this we’ll need a domain and a controller.
grails create-domain-class test.Customer
like this:
package test
class Customer {
static constraints = {
String name
String type
Generate controller and views:
grails generate-all test.Customer
Open views/customer/create.gsp and look for <f:all bean=”customer”/>
<%-- <f:all bean="customer"/>--%>
<f:with bean="customer">
<f:field property="name"/>
<f:field property="type">
<g:select name="type"
from="['Small company', 'Medium company', 'Government', 'Private person']"
Test run and create a customer.