Documentation – rest api

When resarching documentation for the previous blog posts I stumbled upon this project: where Sergio del Amo have writen a tool to help document a rest api.

First I downloaded the whole code, and run integration test, then asciidoctor task.

Now lets see how this works with a new project.

grails create-app docsrest1 --profile=rest-api

Then create a domain Book with controller and service.

grails create-domain-class no.prpr.Book
grails generate-all no.prpr.Book

I just added a couple of properties to the Book domain:

package no.prpr

class Book {

    static constraints = {
        title nullable: false, unique: true
        author nullable: false
    String title
    String author

Create some books during bootstrap:

package docsrest1

import no.prpr.Book
import no.prpr.BookService

class BootStrap {

    BookService bookService

    def init = { servletContext -> Book(title: "The Godfather", author: "Mario Puzo")) Book(title: "Hotel New Hampshire", author: "John Irving"))
    def destroy = {

Run the application and try:

curl "http://localhost:8080/book/"

The result should look like:

[{"id":1,"title":"The Godfather","author":"Mario Puzo"},{"id":2,"title":"Hotel New Hampshire","author":"John Irving"}]

Now its time configure build.gradle. All of the settings below have some reason for being there:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.asciidoctor:asciidoctor-gradle-plugin:1.6.1'

apply plugin: 'org.asciidoctor.convert'

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    testCompile 'org.grails:rest-doc:0.2'

asciidoctor.dependsOn 'integrationTest'

task cleanGeneratedRestDocs(type: Delete) {
    group 'build'
    description 'Removes src/docs/asciidoc/generated adoc files'
    delete fileTree("${project.projectDir}/src/docs/asciidoc/generated") {
        include '**/*.adoc'
integrationTest.dependsOn 'cleanGeneratedRestDocs'
clean.dependsOn 'cleanGeneratedRestDocs'

asciidoctor {
    backends 'html5'
    attributes \
        'build-gradle': file('build.gradle'),
    'source-highlighter': 'coderay',
    'imagesdir': './images',
    'toc': 'left',
    'icons': 'font',
    'setanchors': '',
    'idprefix': '',
    'idseparator': '-',
    'docinfo1': ''

First I want to make sure the integration-test is good. The generate-all created “BookFunctionalSpec” for me.

Then I create BookIndexEndpoint in src/integration-test/groovy/no.prpr directory:

package no.prpr

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.grails.restdoc.HeaderDoc
import org.grails.restdoc.HttpVerb
import org.grails.restdoc.ParamDoc
import org.grails.restdoc.RestEndpoint

class BookIndexEndpoint extends RestEndpoint {

    List<String> getAuthorizationRoles() {
        return []

    HttpVerb getHttpVerb() {
        return HttpVerb.GET

    String getPath() {
        return '/book'

    List<HeaderDoc> getHeaders() {
        return [HeaderDoc.builder()

    List<ParamDoc> getParams() {
        return null

The BookIndexEndpoint is then used when “Test the index action”:

void "Test the index action"() {
        when:"The index action is requested"
        BookIndexEndpoint bookIndexEndpoint = new BookIndexEndpoint()
        HttpResponse<List<Map>> response1 = client.toBlocking().exchange(HttpRequest.GET(resourcePath), Argument.of(List, Map))

        then:"The response is correct"
        response1.status == HttpStatus.OK
        response1.body() != []

        new RestDoc(bookIndexEndpoint).doc {
            sample {
                description 'Get list / index'
                request {
                    headers bookIndexEndpoint.headersMap
                response {
                    statusCode response1.status.getCode()
                    json JsonOutput.toJson(response1.body())

I then played around with get one book, by creating BookGetEndpoint. Not sure about. If I kept the path as /book the documentation would mix with index, so I set the path to /book/id.

package no.prpr

import org.grails.restdoc.HeaderDoc
import org.grails.restdoc.HttpVerb
import org.grails.restdoc.ParamDoc
import org.grails.restdoc.ParamType
import org.grails.restdoc.RestEndpoint

class BookGetEndpoint extends RestEndpoint {

    List<String> getAuthorizationRoles() {
        return []

    HttpVerb getHttpVerb() {
        return HttpVerb.GET

    String getPath() {
        return '/book/id'

    List<HeaderDoc> getHeaders() {
        return [HeaderDoc.builder()

    List<ParamDoc> getParams() {
        return [ParamDoc.builder()
                        .description('id of book you want to retrieve')


And then using it with “Test the show action correctly renders an instance”:

void "Test the show action correctly renders an instance"() {
        when:"The save action is executed with valid data"
        HttpResponse<Map> response1 = client.toBlocking().exchange(HttpRequest.POST(resourcePath, validJson), Map)

        then:"The response is correct"
        response1.status == HttpStatus.CREATED

        when:"When the show action is called to retrieve a resource"
        def id = response1.body().id
        BookGetEndpoint bookGetEndpoint = new BookGetEndpoint()
        String path = bookGetEndpoint.path.replace('id', "${id}")
        log.debug("Show action.path = ${path}")
        response1 = client.toBlocking().exchange(HttpRequest.GET(path), Map)

        then:"The response is correct"
        response1.status == HttpStatus.OK
        response1.body().id == id

        when: "document endpoint"
        new RestDoc(bookGetEndpoint).doc {
            sample {
                description "Get book with id"
                request {
                    headers bookGetEndpoint.headersMap
                response {
                    statusCode = response1.status.getCode()
                    payload = JsonOutput.toJson(response1.body())

Then I created BookPostEndpoint:

package no.prpr

import org.grails.restdoc.*

class BookPostEndpoint extends RestEndpoint {

    List<String> getAuthorizationRoles() {
        return []

    HttpVerb getHttpVerb() {
        return HttpVerb.POST

    String getPath() {
        return '/book'

    List<HeaderDoc> getHeaders() {
        return [HeaderDoc.builder()

    List<ParamDoc> getParams() {
        return [ParamDoc.builder()
                        .description('id of book you want to retrieve')


And added the documentation code to “Test the save action correctly persists an instance”

    void "Test the save action correctly persists an instance"() {
        when:"The save action is executed with valid data"
        log.debug("save valid data")
        long holdBookCount = Book.count()
        BookPostEndpoint bookPostEndpoint = new BookPostEndpoint()
        HttpResponse<Map> response1 = client.toBlocking().exchange(HttpRequest.POST(resourcePath, validJson), Map)

        then:"The response is correct"
        response1.status == HttpStatus.CREATED
        (Book.count() - holdBookCount) == 1

        new RestDoc(bookPostEndpoint).doc {
            sample {
                description 'Create a book'
                request {
                    headers bookPostEndpoint.headersMap
                    jsonBody JsonOutput.toJson(validJson)
                response {
                    statusCode response1.status.getCode()
                    payload = JsonOutput.toJson(response1.body())

        def id = response1.body().id
        def path = "${resourcePath}/${id}"
        response1 = client.toBlocking().exchange(HttpRequest.DELETE(path))
        assert response1.status() == HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT // || response.status() == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST


This little plugin can make it possible to keep api documentation up to date.

  • Declare each endpoint extending RestEndpoint inside the integration-test directory.
  • Add documentation as part of integration test.